Saints canonized by Leo XIII

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Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
7 of April Juan Saint John Baptist de la Salle 1651 France 1719 France
22 of May Rita Saint Rita of Cascia 1381 Italy 1457 Italy
23 of May Juan Saint Juan Bautista of Rossi 1698 Italy 1764 Italy
25 of May Beda Saint Bede the Venerable 672 United kingdom 735 United kingdom
5 of July Anthony Mary Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria 1502 Italy 1539 Italy
21 of July Lorenzo Saint Lawrence of Brindisi 1559 Italy 1619 Portugal
9 of September Pedro Saint Peter Claver 1580 Spain 1654 Colombia
31 of October Alonso Saint Alphonsus Rodríguez 1533 Spain 1617 Spain
26 of November Juan Saint Juan Berchmans 1599 Belgium 1621 Italy