Saints and Children

Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
18 of November Bárula Saint Bárula mártir
14 of December Dioscorus Saint Dioscorus Egypt 250 Egypt
12 of February Eulalia Saint Eulalia of Barcelona 290 Spain 304 Spain
15 of July Felipe Saint Felipe of Alejandríay diez niños mártires Egypt
11 of August Filomena Saint Filomena Italy
21 of September Gerulfo Saint Gerulfo of Tronchiennes 750 Belgium
21 of January Inés Saint Agnes Italy
16 of February Juliana Saint Juliana of Nicodemia 308 Turkey
6 of July María Saint Mary Goretti 1890 Italy 1902 Italy
10 of December Mauro Saint Mauro Italy Italy
12 of May Pancracio Saint Pancras of Rome 290 Turkey 304 Italy
21 of October Pedro Saint Pedro Yu Tae-ch’l Korea, republic of 1839 Korea, republic of
26 of June Pelayo Saint Pelagius of Cordoba 911 Spain 925 Spain
18 of January Prisca Saint Prisca 486 Italy 499 Italy
14 of August Tarcisio Saint Tarcisio Italy Italy
3 of April Ulpiano Saint Ulpiano of Tiro 306 Syrian arab republic
21 of October Úrsula Saint Ursula and companions Germany Germany
12 of March Fina Blessed Fina of Saint Geminianus 1238 Italy 1253 Italy
15 of June Vito Saint Vito of Lucania 303 Italy