Saints and Hermits

Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
4 of July Valentín Saint Valentín of Langres France
25 of February Valerio Saint Valerio of Astorga Spain Spain
19 of October Varo Saint Varo of Egipto 307 Egypt
21 of October Vendelino Saint Vendelino of Tréveris Germany
5 of August Viator Saint Viator of Tremblevif France
16 of October Vidal Saint Vidal of Retz France
2 of January Vincenciano Saint Vincenciano 672 France
13 of April Albertini Blessed Albertini 1294 Italy
15 of February Ángel Blessed Angelo Scarpetti 1306 Italy
28 of March Antonio Blessed Antonio Patrizi 1311 Italy
20 of January Benito Blessed Benedict Ricasoli 1107 Italy
2 of September Brocardo Blessed Brocard hermit 1231 Israel
6 of April Catalina Blessed Catherine of Pallanza 1478 Italy
19 of February Conrado Blessed Conrado of Piacenza Confalonieri 1351 Italy
17 of March Conrado Blessed Conrado of Modugno 1154 Italy
25 of June Dorotea Blessed Dorothy of Montau 1394 Poland
6 of August Escelino Blessed Escelino 1138 Luxembourg
9 of May Forte Blessed Forte Gabrielli 1040 Italy
11 of December Francisco Blessed Francesco Lippi Italy 1292 Italy
20 of April Geraldo Blessed Gerald of Salles 1120 France
20 of May Guido Blessed Guido of Gherardesca 1134 Italy
19 of December Guillermo Blessed WIlliam of Fenolis Italy 1200 Italy
4 of April Guillermo Blessed Guglielmo Cuffitelli 1411 Italy
11 of December Hugolino Blessed Hugolino Magalotti Italy 1373 Italy
23 of October Juan Blessed Giovanni Bono of Mantua 1249 Italy
14 of November Juan Blessed John of Tufaria 1170 Italy
24 of February Marcos Blessed Marco of Marconi 1510 Italy
8 of June María Blessed María Teresa Chiramel Mankidiyan 1926 India
27 of July Nevolone Blessed Nevolone of Faenza 1280 Italy
17 of August Nicholas Blessed Nicholas Politi 1107 Italy
23 of March Peter Blessed Peter of Gubbio 1306 Italy
27 of November Ramon Blessed Ramon Llull 1232 Spain 1316 Tunisia
25 of March Thomas Blessed Thomas of Costacciaro 1337 Italy
1 of May Ubald Blessed Ubald of Saint Gimignano 1320 Italy