Celebration | Name | Saint | Birth | Death |
25 of June | Eurosia | Saint Eurosia | Spain | 714 Spain |
22 of June | Eusebio | Saint Eusebio of Samosata | 379 Syrian arab republic | |
10 of December | Eustacio | Saint Eustacio White | United kingdom | 1591 United kingdom |
28 of July | Eustacio | Saint Eustacio of Ancira | Turkey | |
20 of September | Eustaquio | Saint Eustaquio of Roma | Italy | |
13 of December | Eustracio | Saint Eustracio | ||
26 of December | Eutimio | Saint Eutimio | 824 Turkey | |
5 of May | Eutimio | Saint Eutimio of Alejandría | 305 Egypt | |
7 of December | Eutiquiano | Saint Eutiquiano papa y mártir | 283 Italy | |
29 of September | Eutiquio | Saint Eutiquio of Heraclea | Greece | |
4 of February | Eutiquio | Saint Eutiquio of Roma | Italy | |
26 of March | Eutiquio | Saint Eutiquio of Alejandría | 356 | |
30 of October | Eutropia | Saint Eutropia of Alejandría | Egypt | |
26 of October | Evaristo | Saint Evaristus Pope | 60 Greece | 117 Italy |
1 of December | Evasio | Saint Evasio | ||
24 of February | Evecio | Saint Evecio | 303 Turkey | |
11 of May | Evelio | Saint Evelio mártir | ||
24 of October | Evergislo | Saint Evergislo of Tongres | 590 France | |
19 of April | Expedito | Saint Expeditus | ||
30 of December | Exuperancio | Saint Exuperancio diácono | ||
10 of April | Ezequiel | Saint Ezekiel | Israel | Israel |
20 of January | Fabián | Saint Fabián papa | 250 Italy | |
31 of July | Fabio | Saint Fabio of Mauritania | 304 Mauritania | |
22 of August | Fabricio | Saint Fabricio of Toledo | Spain | |
27 of November | Facundo | Saint Facundo | Spain | Spain |
13 of June | Fandila | Saint Fandila of Córdoba | Spain | 853 Spain |
24 of June | Farnacio | Saint Farnacio mártir | ||
26 of November | Fausto | Saint Fausto | ||
6 of October | Fe | Saint Fe of Agen | France | |
29 of October | Feliciano | Saint Feliciano of Cartago | Tunisia | |
9 of June | Feliciano | Saint Feliciano mártir | Italy | |
23 of November | Felicidad | Saint Felicidad | Italy | Italy |
26 of May | Felicísima | Saint Felicísima of Todi | Italy | |
12 of August | Felicísima | Saint Felicísima of Faleria | Italy | |
2 of July | Felicísimo | Saint Felicísimo mártir | 285 Italy | |
26 of October | Felicisimo | Saint Felicisimo of Cartago | Tunisia | |
13 of June | Felícula | Saint Felícula | 90 Italy | |
3 of July | Felipe | Saint Felipe Phan Van Minh | 1853 Viet nam | |
15 of July | Felipe | Saint Felipe of Alejandríay diez niños mártires | Egypt | |
19 of October | Felipe | Saint Felipe Howard | 1633 United kingdom | |
3 of May | Felipe | Saint Philip Apostle | Israel | |
2 of May | Félix | Saint Félix diácono | Spain | |
18 of May | Félix | Saint Félix of Spalato | 299 Croatia (Hrvatska) | |
6 of November | Félix | Saint Félix of Toniza | Tunisia | |
29 of July | Félix | Saint Félix of Roma | Italy | |
1 of August | Félix | Saint Félix of Girona | Spain | |
14 of June | Félix | Saint Felix of Córdoba | Spain | 853 Spain |
2 of July | Felix | Saint Félix of la Campania mártir | 285 Italy | |
12 of July | Félix | Saint Félix of Milan | Mauritania | Italy |
15 of July | Félix | Saint Félix of Tibiuca | 303 | |
5 of December | Félix martir | Saint Félix martir | ||
25 of September | Fermín | Saint Fermín of Amiens | France | |
16 of June | Ferreol | Saint Ferreol of Besançon | France | |
12 of January | Ferreol | Saint Ferreol | 659 France | |
18 of September | Ferréolo | Saint Ferréolo of Vienne | France | |
28 of October | Ferrucio | Saint Ferrucio of Maguncia | France | |
21 of December | Festo | Saint Festo | ||
28 of October | Fidel | Saint Fidel of Como | Italy | |
24 of April | Fidelis | Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen | 1622 Switzerland | |
15 of November | Fidenciano | Saint Fidenciano y compañeros | ||
4 of February | Fileas | Saint Fileas of Thmuis | Egypt | |
22 of November | Filemón | Saint Filemón | Turkey | Turkey |
22 of August | Filiberto | Saint Filiberto of Toledo | Spain | |
11 of August | Filomena | Saint Filomena | Italy | |
29 of November | Filomeno | Saint Filomeno | Turkey | Turkey |
4 of February | Filoromo | Saint Filoromo of Alejandría | Egypt | |
23 of March | Fingar | Saint Fingar | 460 United kingdom | |
24 of November | Firmina | Saint Firmina of Amelia | 303 Italy | |
2 of May | Flaminia | Saint Flaminia | ||
17 of February | Flaviano | Saint Flaviano | 449 | |
7 of May | Flavio | Saint Flavio y compañeros mártires | Turkey | |
22 of June | Flavio | Saint Flavio Clemente | 96 Italy | |
24 of November | Flora | Saint Flora of Córdoba | Spain | 856 Spain |
13 of October | Florencio | Saint Florencio of Tesalónica | Macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of | |
27 of September | Florentino | Saint Florentino of Sedunum | France | |
4 of May | Florián | Saint Florián | 304 Germany | |
5 of March | Foca | Saint Foca | Italy | |
4 of March | Focio | Saint Focio y compañeros | Turkey | |
12 of July | Fortunato | Saint Fortunato of Aquileia | Italy | |
5 of February | Francisca | Saint Francisca Mézière | 1794 France | |
15 of January | Francisco | Saint Francisco Fernández of Capillas | 1648 China | |
18 of February | Francisco | Saint Francisco Régis Clet | 1820 China | |
12 of September | Francisco | Saint Francisco Ch´oe Kyong-hwam | 1839 Korea, republic of | |
20 of September | Francisco | Saint Francisco of Posadas | 1713 Spain | |
6 of October | Francisco | Saint Francisco Tran Van Trung | 1858 Viet nam | |
25 of June | Francisco | Saint Francisco Do Minh Chieu | 1838 Viet nam | |
4 of September | Fredaldo | Saint Fredaldo of Mende | France | |
23 of August | Fructuosa | Saint Fructuosa mártir | ||
21 of January | Fructuoso | Saint Fructuosus of Tarragona and companions | 259 Spain | |
25 of October | Frutos | Saint Fructus of Segovia | 642 Spain | 715 Spain |
30 of May | Gabino | Saint Gabino of Porto Torres | France | |
14 of September | Gabriel | Saint Gabriel Taurino Dufresse | 1750 France | 1815 China |
25 of June | Galicano | Saint Galicano of Alejandría | Egypt | 362 Egypt |
30 of August | Gaudencia | Saint Gaudencia mártir | ||
10 of December | Gemelo | Saint Gemelo | France | France |
4 of February | Gémino | Saint Gémino confesor | ||
14 of September | General | Saint General mártir | ||
1 of October | Geraldo | Saint Geraldo Edwards | 1588 United kingdom | |
10 of October | Gereón | Saint Gereón y compañeros | Germany | |
19 of January | Germánico | Saint Germánico | 167 Turkey |