Saints and Popes

Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
8 of November Adeodatus Saint Adeodatus I Pope Italy 618 Italy
8 of July Adrian Saint Adrian III pope 885 Italy
22 of April Agapetus Saint Agapetus I papa 536 Turkey
10 of January Agathon Saint Agathon pope 681 Italy
3 of May Alexander Saint Alexander I Pope Italy Italy
19 of December Anastasius Saint Anastasius I Pope 401
17 of April Aniceto Saint Anicetus Pope Syrian arab republic 166 Italy
3 of January Anterus Saint Anterus pope 236 Italy
7 of May Benedict Saint Benedict II pope Italy
8 of May Boniface Saint Boniface IV pope 615 Italy
4 of September Boniface Saint Boniface I pope 350 Italy 422 Italy
22 of April Caius Saint Caius Pope 296 Italy
14 of October Calixto Saint Callixtus I Pope 155 Italy 222 Italy
27 of July Celestine Saint Celestine I pope 432 Italy
23 of November Clement Saint Clement I pope Greece 97 Greece
26 of April Cleto Saint Cletus pope 88 Italy
16 of September Cornelio Saint Cornelius Pope 252 Italy
11 of December Dámaso Saint Damasus I Pope 305 384
26 of December Dionysius Saint Dionysius Pope 268 Italy
26 of May Eleutherius Saint Eleutherius pope 189 Italy
2 of June Eugenio Saint Eugenio I papa Italy 657 Italy
17 of August Eusebius Saint Eusebius pope 310 Italy
7 of December Eutiquiano Saint Eutiquiano papa y mártir 283 Italy
26 of October Evaristo Saint Evaristus Pope 60 Greece 117 Italy
20 of January Fabián Saint Fabián papa 250 Italy
30 of December Félix Saint Félix I papa 274 Italy
12 of October Félix Saint Félix IV papa 530 Italy
1 of March Félix Saint Félix III, papa 492 Italy
21 of November Gelasio Saint Gelasio I papa 496
3 of September Gregorio Saint Gregory the Great Pope 540 Italy 604 Italy
10 of December Gregorio Saint Gregorio III papa Italy 741 Italy
25 of May Gregorio Saint Gregory VII pope 1020 Italy 1085 Italy
11 of February Gregorio Saint Gregorio II papa 731 Italy
11 of January Higinio Saint Higinio papa 142
6 of August Hormisdas Saint Hormisdas pope 523 Italy
12 of March Inocencio Saint Innocent I, pope Italy 417 Italy
18 of May Juan Saint Juan I papa Italy 526 Italy
11 of October Juan Saint John XXIII pope 1881 Italy 1963 Italy
22 of October Juan Pablo Saint Pope John Paul II 1920 Poland 2005 Italy
12 of April Julio Saint Julius I Pope Italy 352 Italy
19 of April León Saint Leo IX pope 1002 1054
10 of November León Saint Leo the Great, Pope Italy 461 Italy
17 of July León Saint León IV papa 855 Italy
3 of July León Saint León II papa 683 Italy
12 of June León Saint León III papa Italy 816 Italy
23 of September Lino Saint Lino papa Italy
5 of March Lucio Saint Lucio, papa 254 Italy
16 of January Marcel Saint Marcel I, Pope 309 Italy
7 of October Marcos Saint Marcos papa 336 Italy
13 of April Martín Saint Martín I papa Italy 656 Italy
10 of January Melquíades Saint Melquíades papa 314 Italy
13 of November Nicolás Saint Nicolás I papa 867 Italy
28 of June Pablo Saint Pablo I papa 767 Italy
11 of February Pascual Saint Pascual I, papa 824 Italy
29 of June Pedro Saint Peter Apostle Israel 67 Italy
19 of May Pedro Saint Peter Celestine Pope 1296 Italy
30 of April Pío Saint Pío V pope 1504 Italy 1572 Italy
21 of August Pío Saint Pius X pope 1914 Italy
11 of July Pío Saint Pío I papa 155
13 of August Ponciano Saint Ponciano papa 236 Italy
8 of September Sergio Saint Sergio I papa Syrian arab republic 701 Italy
2 of December Silverio Saint Silverio papa Italy 537 Italy
31 of December Silvestre Saint Sylvester I Pope 335
19 of July Símaco Saint Símaco of Roma papa 514 Italy
2 of March Simplicio Saint Simplicius Pope Italy 483 Italy
26 of November Siricio Saint Siricio papa Italy 399 Italy
3 of April Sixto Saint Sixto I papa 128 Italy
19 of August Sixto Saint Sixto III papa 440 Italy
7 of August Sixto Saint Sixtus II Pope 258 Italy
28 of March Sixtus Saint Sixtus III, pope United kingdom 440 Italy
22 of April Sotero Saint Soter Pope Italy 175 Italy
2 of August Stephen Saint Stephen I Pope 257 Italy
2 of January Telesforo Saint Telesforo papa 136 Italy
19 of May Urbano Saint Urbano I papa 230 Italy
28 of July Victor Saint Victor I pope
15 of March Zacarías Saint Zacarías, papa 752 Italy
20 of December Zephyrinus Saint Zephyrinus pope Italy 218 Italy
26 of December Zósimo Saint Zósimo papa 418 Italy
7 of July Benedicto Blessed Benedict XI Pope 1304 Italy
8 of July Eugenio Blessed Eugene III pope 1153 Italy
10 of January Gregorio Blessed Gregory X papa 1276 Italy
22 of June Inocencio Blessed Innocent V pope 1245 France 1276 Italy
7 of February Pius Blessed Pius IX, pope 1878
29 of July Urban Blessed Urban II pope 1099 Italy
19 of December Urban Blessed Urban V pope France 1370 France
16 of September Victor Blessed Victor III pope 1087 Italy