Saints and Priests

Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
19 of May Agustín Blessed Agustino Novello 1310 Italy
22 of July Agustín Blessed Augustine of Biella Fangi 1493 Italy
17 of August Alberto Blessed Albert of Siena 1202 Italy
30 of October Alejandro Blessed Alexander Zaryckyj 1912 Ukraine 1963 Kazakhstan
7 of April Alejandro Blessed Alexander Rawlins 1595 United kingdom
30 of November Alejandro Blessed Alexander Crow United kingdom 1586 United kingdom
1 of August Alexis Blessed Alex Sobaszek Poland 1942 Germany
28 of August Alfonso Blessed Alfons Maria Mazurek 1891 Poland 1944 Poland
1 of September Alfonso Blessed Alfonso Sebastia Vinals 1936 Spain
29 of November Alfredo Blessed Alfredo Simon Colomina Spain 1936 Spain
27 of December Alfredo Blessed Alfredo Parte 1899 Spain 1936 Spain
1 of October Álvaro Blessed Alvaro Saintjuan Canet 1936
19 of February Álvaro Blessed Alvaro of Cordoba 1360 Spain 1430 Spain
20 of March Ambrosio Blessed Ambrose Sansedoni 1287 Italy
26 of August Ambrosio Blessed Ambrosio Valls Matamales 1870 Spain 1936 Spain
3 of October Ambrosio Blessed Ambrosio Francisco Ferro and companions 1645 Brazil
20 of April Anastasio Blessed Anastasius Pankiewicz Austria
1 of February Andrés Blessed Andrew Segni 1302 Italy
18 of April Andrés Blessed Andrea of Montereale 1479 Italy
24 of August Andrés Blessed Andre Fardeau 1794 France
18 of January Andrés Blessed Andrea de Peschiera Grego 1485 Italy
15 of May Andrés Blessed Andrew Abellon 1375 France 1450 France
3 of June Andrés Blessed Andrea Caccioli 1194 Italy 1254 Italy
26 of June Andrés Blessed Andrii Iscak 1887 Ukraine 1941 Ukraine
8 of May Ángel Blessed Angelo of Massaccio 1458 Italy
16 of August Ángel Blessed Angelo Agustino Mazzinghi 1438 Italy
15 of February Ángel Blessed Angelo Scarpetti 1306 Italy
11 of April Ángel Blessed Angelo di Chivasso Carletti 1495 Italy
19 of August Ángel Blessed Angel de Acquapagana 1313 Italy
27 of August Ángel Blessed Angelo Conti 1312 Italy
30 of October Ángel Blessed Angelo of Acri 1739 Italy
18 of August Antonio Blessed Antoine Banassat 1794 France
15 of September Antonio Blessed Anton María Schwartz 1852 Austria 1929 Austria
1 of October Antonio Blessed Antonio Rewera 1869 Poland 1942 Germany
2 of October Antonio Blessed Antoine Chevrier 1879 France
7 of November Antonio Blessed Antonio Baldinucci 1717 Italy
22 of January Antonio Blessed Antonio della Chiesa 1459 Italy
25 of January Antonio Blessed Antonio Migliorati Italy 1450
25 of January Antonio Blessed Antoni Swiadek Germany
17 of February Antonio Blessed Antoni Leszczewicz 1943 Poland
28 of March Antonio Blessed Antonio Patrizi 1311 Italy
9 of April Antonio Blessed Antonio Pavoni 1374 Italy
10 of April Antonio Blessed Anthony Neyrot 1460 Tunisia
20 of April Antonio Blessed Anthony Page 1593 United kingdom
6 of November Antonio Blessed Antonio Rodríguez Blanco Spain Spain
1 of December Antonio Blessed Antonio Bonfadini Italy 1482 Italy
10 of December Antonio Blessed Antonio Martin Hernandez Spain 1936 Spain
13 of December Antonio Blessed Antonio Grassi Italy 1671 Italy
12 of June Antonio Blessed Antonin Bajewski 1915 Lithuania 1941 Poland
16 of June Antonio Blessed AntoineConstante Auriel 1794 France
15 of July Antonio Blessed Antoni Beszta- Borowski Poland 1943 Poland
24 of July Antonio Blessed Antonio Torriani 1494 Italy
8 of August Antonio Blessed Antonio Silvestre Moya 1936 Spain
12 of August Antonio Blessed Antonio Perulles Estívill 1892 Spain 1936 Spain
20 of May Arcángel Blessed Archangelus Tadini 1846 Italy 1912 Italy
10 of August Arcángel Blessed Archangelus Calatafino Piacentini 1460 Italy
11 of December Arturo Blessed Arthur Bell United kingdom 1643 United kingdom
2 of August Augusto Blessed August Czartoryski 1858 France 1893 Italy
22 of September Aurelio Blessed Aurelio Ample Alcaide 1896 Spain 1936 Spain
17 of October Baltasar Blessed Baltasar Ravaschieri Clavario 1492 Italy
21 of April Bartolomé Blessed Bartholomew Cerveri 1466 Italy
6 of November Bartolomé Blessed Bartolomé Rodríguez Soria Spain Spain
5 of December Bartolomé Blessed Bartholomew Fanti Italy 1495 Italy
24 of December Bartolomé Blessed Bartholomew Mary dal Monte 1726 Italy 1778 Italy
6 of May Bartolomé Blessed Bartholomew Pucci-Franceschi 1260 Italy 1330 Italy
20 of March Bautista Blessed Baptist Sapgnoli 1516 Italy
30 of April Benito Blessed Benedict of Urbino 1625 Italy
26 of December Bentivolio Blessed Bentivolio of Bonis 1188 Italy 1232 Italy
27 of November Bernardino Blessed Bernardine of Fossa Giovanni Amici Italy 1503 Italy
28 of September Bernardino Blessed Bernardine of Feltre Tomitano 1494
5 of November Bernardo Blessed Bernard Lichtenberg 1943 Germany
9 of December Bernardo Blessed Bernard Maria of Silvestrelli 1831 Italy 1911 Italy
11 of January Bernardo Blessed Bernardo Scammacca 1487 Italy
12 of December Bertolo Blessed Bertolo Buonpedoni Italy 1300 Italy
6 of September Bertrán Blessed Bertrand of Garrigues 1230 France
1 of August Bienvenido Blessed Bienvenido of Miguel Arahal 1887 Spain 1936 Spain
2 of May Boleslao Blessed Boleslas Strzelecki 1896 Poland 1941 Poland
10 of April Bonifacio Blessed Boniface Zukowski 1942 Germany
30 of July Braulio Blessed Braulio María Corres y catorce compañeros 1897 Spain 1936 Spain
31 of March Buenaventura Blessed Bonaventure Tornielli 1411 Italy 1491 Italy
26 of September Buenaventura Blessed Buenaventura Esteve Flors 1897 1936 Spain
26 of October Buenaventura Blessed Bonaventura of Potenza 1711 Italy
14 of December Buenaventura Blessed Bonaventura Bonaccorsi Italy 1315 Italy
18 of May Burcardo Blessed Burchard of Beinwil Switzerland Switzerland
15 of September Camilo Blessed Camilo Costanzo 1622 Japan
28 of August Carlos Blessed Charles Arnold Hanus 1794 France
27 of August Carlos Blessed Charles Rene Collas du Bignon 1743 France 1794 France
29 of July Carlos Blessed Charles Nicholas Antoine Ancel 1794 France
12 of August Carlos Blessed Karl Leisner 1915 Germany 1945 Germany
1 of December Carlos Blessed Charles of Foucauld 1858 France 1916 Algeria
15 of December Carlos Blessed Charles Steeb Germany 1856 Germany
5 of January Carlos Blessed Charles of Saint Andrew Houben 1893
22 of September Carlos Blessed Carlos Navarro 1911 Spain 1936 Spain
1 of December Casimiro Blessed Casimir Sykulski 1882 Poland 1941 Poland
12 of June Casimiro Blessed Casimir Grelewski 1907 Poland 1942 Germany
4 of April Cayetano Blessed Gaetano Catanoso Italy
29 of October Cayetano Blessed Gaetano Errico 1860 Italy
6 of April Ceferino Blessed Zeferino Agostini 1896 Italy
15 of April César Blessed Cesar of Hus 1607 France
15 of July Ceslas Blessed Ceslas of Krakow 1180 1242 Poland