Saints and Priests

Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
17 of September Cherub Blessed Cherub Testa 1479 Italy
20 of January Cipriano Blessed Cyprian Iwene Tansi Nigeria 1964 United kingdom
3 of January Ciriaco Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara 1871 India
13 of September Claudio Blessed Claude Dumonet 1794 Italy
14 of September Claudio Blessed Claude Laplace 1794 France
9 of August Claudio Blessed Claude Richard 1794 France
8 of April Clemente Blessed Clemente of Auximo 1291 Italy
16 of December Clemente Blessed Clemente Marchisio Italy 1903 Italy
30 of January Columba Blessed Columba Marmion Ireland 1923 Belgium
12 of December Conrado Blessed Conrado of Ofida Italy 1306 Italy
29 of August Constantino Blessed Constantino Fernández Álvarez 1907 Spain 1936 Spain
24 of February Contancio Blessed Contancio of Fabriano Servioli 1481 Italy
3 of October Crescencio Blessed Crescencio García Pobo 1936 Spain
1 of September Cristino Blessed Cristino Roca Huguet and companions 1899 Spain 1936 Spain
23 of July Cristino Blessed Krystyn Gondek Poland 1942 Germany
31 of October Cristóbal Blessed Christopher of Romagna 1272 France
1 of March Cristóbal Blessed Chrsitopher of Milán Italy
5 of March Cristóbal Blessed Christopher Macassoli 1485 Italy
28 of March Cristobal Blessed Cristopher Wharton 1600 United kingdom
22 of November Cristóbal Blessed Christopher Robinson 1565 United kingdom 1598 United kingdom
24 of September Dalmacio Blessed Dalmacio Moner 1341 Spain
26 of October Damián Blessed Damien Furcheri 1484 Italy
15 of April Damián Blessed Damien of Veuster 1889 Australia
28 of February Daniel Alejo Blessed Daniel Alexis Brottier 1936 France
29 of September Darío Blessed Darío Hernández Morató 1936 Spain
6 of September Diego Blessed Diego Llorca Llopis 1896 Spain 1936 Spain
22 of February Diego Blessed Diego Carvalho 1624 Japan
24 of March Diego Blessed Diego José of Cádiz 1801 Spain
22 of September Dionisio Blessed Dionisio Pamplona 1868 Spain 1936 Spain
29 of November Dionisio Blessed Dionisio de la Natividad (Pedro Berthelot) 1600 France 1638 France
6 of November Domingo Blessed Domingo Sánchez Lázaro Spain Spain
21 of December Domingo Blessed Domenico Spadafora Italy 1521 Italy
8 of April Domingo Blessed Domingo del Santisimo Sacramento Iturrate Spain 1927 Spain
20 of April Domingo Blessed Domenico Vernagalli 1218 Italy
27 of August Domingo Blessed Dominic Barberi 1792 Italy 1849 United kingdom
29 of August Domingo Blessed Dominik Jedrzejewski 1886 Poland 1942 Germany
19 of May Dominic Juan of Saint Dominic Martínez 1619 Japan
7 of August Edmundo Blessed Edmund Bojanowski 1871 Poland
23 of March Edmundo Blessed Edmund Sykes 1587 United kingdom
7 of April Eduardo Blessed Edward Oldcorne 1606 United kingdom
10 of June Eduardo Blessed Edward Poppe 1890 Belgium 1924 Belgium
29 of November Eduardo Blessed Edward Burden United kingdom 1588 United kingdom
8 of January Eduardo Blessed Edward Waterson 1593 United kingdom
16 of November Eduardo Blessed Edward Osbaldeston 1594 United kingdom
22 of August Elías Blessed Elijah Leymarie de Laroche 1794 France
10 of March Elías Blessed Elías del Socorro Nieves del Castillo 1882 Mexico 1928 Mexico
25 of March Emiliano Blessed Emil Kov 1944 Poland
13 of January Emilio Blessed Emil Szramek Poland 1942 Germany
6 of November Enrique Blessed Enrique Vidaurreta Palma Spain Spain
22 of September Enrique Blessed Enric Canadell 1890 Spain 1936 Spain
17 of April Enrique Blessed Henry Heath 1643 United kingdom
4 of October Enrique Blessed Enrique Morat Pellicer 1936 Spain
9 of November Enrique Blessed Henryk Hlebowicz 1941 Poland
10 of May Enrique Blessed Enrico Rebuschini 1860 Italy 1938 Italy
4 of August Enrique Blessed Henryk Krzysztofik Poland 1942 Germany
4 of September Escipión Blessed Scipio Jerome Brigéat of Lambert 1794 France
12 of June Estanislao Blessed Stanislaw Kubski 1876 Poland 1942 Germany
12 of June Estanislao Blessed Stanislaus Kubista 1898 Poland 1940 Germany
3 of May Estanislao Blessed Stanislaus Kazimierczyk 1433 Poland 1489 Poland
2 of February Esteban Blessed Stefano Bellesini 1840 Italy
12 of June Esteban Blessed Stefan Grelewski 1899 Poland 1941 Germany
11 of June Esteban Blessed Stefano Bandelli 1369 Italy 1450 Italy
31 of July Everardo Blessed Everard Hanse 1581 United kingdom
8 of March Faustino Blessed Faustino Míguez 1831 Spain 1925 Spain
22 of September Faustino Blessed Faustino Oteiza 1890 Spain 1936 Spain
4 of August Federico Blessed Frederic Janssoone 1916 Canada
30 of September Federico Blessed Federico Albert 1876 Italy
24 of May Felipe Blessed Filippo of Piacenza 1306 Italy
4 of June Felipe Blessed Filippo Smaldone 1848 Italy 1923 Italy
17 of June Felipe Blessed Philippe Papon 1794 France
30 of June Felipe Blessed Philip Powell 1646 United kingdom
5 of December Felipe Blessed Filippo Rinaldi Italy Italy
6 of November Félix Blessed Félix González Bustos Spain Spain
14 of August Félix Blessed Félix Yuste Cava 1887 Spain 1936 Spain
13 of July Fernando Blessed Ferdinando María Baccilieri 1893 Italy
6 of November Fernando Blessed Fernando Español Spain Spain
27 of August Fernando Blessed Fernando González Añón 1886 Spain 1936 Spain
5 of September Florencio Blessed Florence Dumontet of Cardaillac 1794 France
22 of September Florentín Blessed Florentín Felipe 1856 Spain 1936 Spain
6 of November Fortunato Blessed Fortunato Arias Sánchez Spain Spain
6 of November Francisco Blessed Francisco López-Gasco Fernández-Largo 1888 Spain 1936 Spain
4 of December Francisco Blessed Francisco Gálvez 1578 Spain 1623 Japan
11 of January Francisco Blessed Franz Rogaczewski 1940 Poland
22 of January Francisco Saint Francisco Gil of Frederic 1745 Viet nam
6 of February Francisco Blessed Francesco Spinelli 1913 Italy
20 of March Francisco Blessed Francisco of Jesús, María y José Palau y Quer 1872 Spain
22 of March Francisco Blessed Francis Chartier 1794 France
27 of March Francisco Blessed Francesco Faá di Bruno 1888 Italy
2 of April Francisco Blessed Francisco Coll 1875 Spain
22 of September Francisco Blessed Francisco Carceller 1901 Spain 1936 Spain
22 of April Francisco Blessed Francesco Venimbeni 1322 Italy
6 of May Francisco Blessed Francis of Montmerency Laval 1623 France 1708 Canada
26 of May Francisco Blessed Francesco Patrizi 1328 Italy
22 of November Francisco Blessed Francis Ingleby United kingdom 1580 United kingdom
20 of June Francisco Blessed Francisco Pacheco and eight companions 1626 Japan
2 of August Francisco Blessed Francisco Calvo Burillo 1881 Spain 1936 Spain
2 of August Francisco Blessed Francisco Tomás Serer 1911 Spain 1936 Spain
3 of August Francisco Blessed Francisco Bandrés Sánchez 1896 Spain 1936 Spain
18 of August Francisco Blessed Francisco Arias Martín Spain 1936 Spain
19 of August Francisco Blessed Francisco Ibáñez Ibáñez 1936 Spain