Saints calendar

Saints calendar of January

1 Saint Mary, Mother of God, Virgin, Emmanuel, name of the Messiah and others...
2 Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory of Nizianzus and others...
3 Saint Staphania Quinzani, Saint Genevieve and others...
4 Saint Angela of Foligno, Saint Rigoberto obispo and others...
5 Saint Simeon the Stylite, Saint John Nepomucene Neumann and others...
6 Epiphany of the Lord and others...
7 Saint Raymond of Peñafort and others...
8 Saint Gudula and others...
9 Saint Lucrecia of Córdoba, Saint Eulogius of Córdoba and others...
10 Blessed María Dolores Rodríguez Sopeña and others...
11 Saint Thomas of Cori Placidi and others...
12 Saint Benet Biscop and others...
13 Saint Hilary of Poitiers and others...
14 Saint Felix of Nola and others...
15 Saint Mauro abad, Saint Rachel and others...
16 Saint Marcel I, Pope and others...
17 Anthony the Great and others...
18 Saint Prisca and others...
19 Blessed Marcelo Spinola and others...
20 Saint Sebastian, Saint Fabián papa and others...
21 Saint Agnes, Saint Fructuosus of Tarragona and companions and others...
22 Blessed Laura Vicuna, Saint Vicent martyr and others...
23 Saint Ildephonse and others...
24 Saint Francis of Sales and others...
25 Saint Paul in his conversion and others...
26 Saint Timothy, Saint Tito and others...
27 Saint Angela of Merici, Saint Henry de Ossó y Cervelló and others...
28 Saint Thomas Aquinas and others...
29 Saint Peter Nolasco and others...
30 Saint Martina of Rome and others...
31 Saint John Bosco, Saint Marcela and others...

Saints calendar of May

1 Saint Joseph the Worker, Saint Jeremiah Prophet and others...
2 Saint Athanasius and others...
3 Saint Philip Apostle, James the Less, apostle and others...
4 Saint Gotthard of Hildesheim and others...
5 Saint Angelo of Sicilia, Saint Hilary of Arles and others...
6 Saint Dominic Savio and others...
7 Saint John of Beverley and others...
8 Saint Peter of Tarantasia, Our Lady of Luján and others...
9 Saint Gregory of Ostia, Saint Isaiah prophet and others...
10 Saint Damien of Molokai, Saint Job patriarch and others...
11 Saint Mayeul of Cluny and others...
12 Saint Dominic de la Calzada, Saint Pancras of Rome and others...
13 Saint Peter Regalado, Our Lady of Fatima and others...
14 Saint Matthias apostle and others...
15 Saint Isidore the Laborer and others...
16 Saint Simon Stock and others...
17 Saint Pascal Baylon and others...
18 Saint Claudia, virgin and martyr and others...
19 Saint Peter Celestine Pope, Saint Yves and others...
20 Saint Bernardine of Siena and others...
21 Saint Christopher Magallanes and companions and others...
22 Saint Joachina de Vedruna, Saint Rita of Cascia and others...
23 Saint Desiderius of Langres and others...
24 Maria Auxiliatrix and others...
25 Saint Bede the Venerable , Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, Saint Gregory VII pope and others...
26 Saint Philip Neri, Saint Marianne de Jesús de Paredes and others...
27 Saint Augustine of Canterbury and others...
28 Saint Germain of Paris, Saint William of Gellone and others...
29 Saint Maximinius of Treveris and others...
30 Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Ferdinand III and others...
31 Saint Petronilla of Rome and others...

Saints calendar of June

1 Saint Justin martyr, Our Lady of Light and others...
2 Saint Marcellinus and Saint Peter and others...
3 Saint Charles Lwanga and companions and others...
4 Saint Naomi, Saint Ruth and others...
5 Blessed Ferdinand of Portugal and others...
6 Saint Marcelline Champagnat and others...
7 Saint Isaac of Córdoba and others...
8 Saint Medard and others...
9 Blessed Ana Maria Taigi, Saint Ephraim of Syria and others...
10 Saint Asterius of Petra and others...
11 Saint Barnabas Apostle and others...
12 Saint Onophrius of Egypt and others...
13 Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Fandila of Córdoba and others...
14 Saint Elijah, Saint Anastasius of Cordoba, Saint Felix of Córdoba, Saint Digna of Cordoba and others...
15 Saint Benilde of Córdoba, Saint María Micaela Desmaisieres and others...
16 Saint John Francis Regis and others...
17 Saint Therese of Portugal and others...
18 Saint Mark of Rome, Saint Marcellian of Rome and others...
19 Saint Romuald, Saint Gervasius of Milan, Saint Protasius of Milán and others...
20 Blessed Thomas Whitbread and companions and others...
21 Saint Aloysius Gonzaga and others...
22 Saint Thomas More and others...
23 Saint Joseph Cafasso and others...
24 Saint John the Baptist, nativity and others...
25 Saint Max of Turin and others...
26 Saint Josemaria Escriva, Saint Pelagius of Cordoba and others...
27 Saint Cyril of Alexandria and others...
28 Saint Irenaeus of Lyon and others...
29 Saint Paul Apostle, Saint Peter Apostle and others...
30 Saint Ladislaus of Hungary and others...

Saints calendar of October

1 Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and others...
2 Holy Guardian Angels and others...
3 Saint Francis Borgia and others...
4 Saint Francis of Assisi and others...
5 Saint Froilan of Leon, Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska and others...
6 Saint Bruno of Cologne and others...
7 Our Lady of the Rosary and others...
8 Saint Pelagia of Antioquía and others...
9 Saint Abraham, Patriarch, Saint Denis of Paris and companions, Saint John Leonardi and others...
10 Saint Thomas of Villanova and others...
11 Saints of the day October 11th
12 Our Lady of the Pillar and others...
13 Saint Edward III the Confessor and others...
14 Saint Callixtus I Pope and others...
15 Saint Teresa of Ávila and others...
16 Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque, Saint Eduviges, Saint Gerard Majella and others...
17 Saint Ignatius of Antioch and others...
18 Saint Luke Evangelist and others...
19 Saint Paul of the Cross, Saint Peter of Alcantara and others...
20 Saint Honoratus Abbot, Saint Irene of Tancor and others...
21 Saint Ursula and companions, Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena and others...
22 Saint Abercius of Hieropolis, Saint Pope John Paul II and others...
23 Saint John of Capistrano and others...
24 Saint Anthony Mary Claret and others...
25 Saint Fructus of Segovia and others...
26 Saint Evaristus Pope and others...
27 Saints of the day October 27th
28 Saint Jude Thaddeus Apostle, Saint Simon Apostle and others...
29 Saint Narcissus of Jerusalem and others...
30 Saint Marcellus of Tangier and others...
31 Saint Alphonsus Rodríguez and others...