Saints of the day july 1

Saint Aaron

Saint Aaron, priest of the Mosaic law, 1471 b.c. brother of Moses.

Celebrate today: Aarón.

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Saint Ester or Esther

Biblical character: Queen of Persia and intercessor of the Jewish people, who she saved from extermination. Foreshadowing of the Virgin Mary as aid of the people of God.

Celebrate today: Ester, Esther.

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Saint Aarón of Carlon (s. IV)

Saints Julius and Aaron were martyred in England the year 304.

Saint Carileph of Anille (s. VI)
Saint Domitian of Bebron (s. V)
Saint Eparchius of Angouleme (s. VI)
Saint Golveno of León

In lower Brittany, St. Golveno, Bishop, who is said that after solitary life, it happened to saint Pablo de León (s. VI).

Blessed Ignatius Falzon (s. XIX)
Blessed John Nepomucen Chrzan (s. XX)
Saint Martín of Vienne (s. III)

In Vienne, Gaul Lugdunensis city, saint Martin, Bishop (s. ex III.).

Saint Oliverio Plunkett (s. XVII)

In London again, St. Oliverio Plunkett, Bishop of Armagh and martyr, who in time of King Carlos II, falsely accused of treason, was sentenced to the death penalty, and to the gallows, surrounding a multitude, after forgiving their enemies, confessed the Catholic faith with great firmness.

Saint Teodorico of Mont-d'Or (s. VI)

In territory of Neustria Remense, Theodoric, priest, disciple of Bishop saint Remigio-saint.

Blessed Thomas Maxfield (s. XVII)
Saint Zhang Huailu (s. XX)

In the village of Zhuhedian, near Jieshui, in Hunan province, in China, saint Zhang Huailu, martyr, who, pursued by the followers of the Yihetuan movement, still only a catechumen spontaneously confessed that he was Christian, and armed with the sign of the cross, deserved to be baptized in Christ with his own blood.