Saints of the day september 1

Saint Joshua
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Saint Sixto (s. III)

In Rheims, of the Belgium Gaul, St. Sixtus, considered the first bishop of this city (s. III).

Saint Abigail Matriarch

Woman of Jewish law, wife of King David and matriarch of the old testament. One of the seven women considered prophets by the Talmudic Scholastics.

Saint Arthur of Ireland (s. XIII)

Martyr of origin Irish slaughtered by Muslims in 1282.

Saint Vicente Cartaginense

In Hispania Cartaginense, memory of Saints Vicente and Leto, martyrs.

Saint Leto Cartaginense

In Hispania Cartaginense, memory of Saints Vicente and Leto, mártires (s. inc.).

Saint Verena (s. IV)

In Zurzach (Zurich today), next to the Rhine, in the region of the tigurini's Germania, saint Verena (s. IV).

Saint Victorio of Le Mans (s. V)

In Le Mans, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Victorio, Bishop, who saint Gregorio de Tours is talking about.

Saint Vicente of Dax (s. IV)

In Dax, Aquitaine, saint Vicente, celebrated as Bishop and martyr (c. IV).

Saint Terenciano of Todi (s. IV)

In Todi, Umbria, saint Terenciano, Bishop (s. c. IV).

Saint Prisco of Capua (s. IV)

At Capua, in Campania, in the via Aquarian age, saint Prisco, martyr (s. IV).

Blessed Alfonso Sebastia Vinals (s. XX)
Blessed Cristino Roca Huguet and companions (s. XX)
Saint Lupo of Sens (s. VII)

In Sens, Neustria, saint Lupo, Bishop, who was banished for having said to a local hierarch that suited the people being governed by a priest and obey God rather than the Princes (c. 623).

Blessed Juliana of Collalto (s. XIII)
Blessed Jane Soderini (s. XIV)
Saint Giles (s. VII)
Saint Gil of Casaio (s. XII)

In Casaio, in the Diocese of Astorga, saint Gil, Carracedo monk and Abbot of Saint Martín de Castañeda, that ended his days as a hermit (s. XII).

Saint Constantius of Aquino (s. VI)