In Vienne, in Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Florencio, Bishop, who took part in the Council held at Valence (after 377).
In the Hellespont (today Turkey), saint Teógeno or Teogenes in Parios, martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Licinius, refusing to be part of the recruits because of their Christian faith, was martyred in jail and finally thrown into the sea.
In Cesarea de Capadocia (today Turkey), saint Gordio, centurion and martyr, to which St. Basil considered hater of the centurion who was next to the cross, because he confessed to Jesus, son of God, during the persecution under Diocletian.
In Lentini, Sicily (now Italy), saint Luciano, Bishop (s. X).
In Nicomedia, in the Roman province of Bithynia (today Turkey), Teopempo and Teonas, Saints who suffered martyrdom in the persecution carried out under Diocletian (c. 304).
In Nicomedia, in the Roman province of Bithynia (today Turkey), Teopempo and Teonas, Saints who suffered martyrdom in the persecution carried out under Diocletian (c. 304).