In Cesarea de Capadocia at the end of the 3rd century martyr
Celebrate today: Doro, Dorotea, Dory, Dorys.
View moreIn Arras, in the Belgium Galia, saint Vedasto, Bishop, who was sent by Saint Remigius, Bishop of Reims, this devastated city, and there catequizó the King Clovis, ruled that Church for forty years and carried out an important evangelising work among the pagans in the region (c. 540).
Ardagh, in Ireland, in saint Melis, Bishop.
In Palestrina, in Lazio, saint Guarino, Bishop, notable for his reason life and his love for the poor.
In Emesa (Homs today), in Syria, saint Silvano, Bishop, who presided over the Church for forty years, and under the Emperor Maximiano, was thrown into wild beasts, together with the deacon Luke and Mocio reader, thus obtaining the Palm of martyrdom (c. 235/238).
In Durango, Mexico City, saint Mateo Correa, priest and martyr, in the midst of persecution unleashed against the Church refused to reveal the secret of confession, receiving the Crown of martyrdom.
In Tongres, in Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Renula or Reinildis, Abbess of the monastery of Eiken (s. VIII).