Saints of the day february 7

Saint Richard King (s. VIII)

Celebrate today: Ricard, Ricarda, Ricardo, Ricerio, Richard, Richi, Rick, Ricki.

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Saint Partenio (s. IV)

At Lampsacus, in the region of the Hellespont, saint Partenio, Bishop, who at the time of the Emperor Constantine was a great propagator of the faith with his preaching and example (s. IV).

Saint Gil María of Saint José (Francisco) Pontillo (s. XIX)

In Naples, in the region of Campania, saint Gil (Saintt'Egidio) María of Saint Jose (Francisco) Pontillo, religious of the order of the Friars Minor, calling through the streets of the city humbly daily alms to the people, whom he consoled with his words.

Blessed Mary of Providence (Eugenia) Smet (s. XIX)
Saint Lucas el Joven (s. X)

In Soterion, of Phocis, saint Lucas el Joven, hermit.

Blessed Ricerio of Muccia (s. XIII)
Saint Máximo of Nola (s. III)

At Nola in Campania, saint Max, Bishop, who governed the Church of this city in the period of persecution and, after a long life, rested in peace (s. III).

Saint Lorenzo of Siponte (s. VI)

In Siponte, Puglia, saint Lorenzo, Bishop (c. 545).

Saint Juliana of Florencia (s. IV)

In Florence, the Etruria, saint Juliana, widow (s. IV).

Blessed Pius IX, pope (s. XIX)
Saint Juan of Triora Lantrua (s. XIX)

In the city of Changsha, in Hunan province, in China, saint Juan de Triora (Francisco Maria) Lantrua, priest of the order of the Friars Minor and martyr, who, after a long and cruel prison, was strangled.

Blessed Rosalie Rendu (s. XIX)
Blessed William Saultemouche (s. XVI)
Blessed Antonio Stronconio (s. XV)
Blessed Adalbert Nierychlewski (s. XX)
Blessed Thomas Sherwood (s. XVI)
Blessed Peter Verhun (s. XX)
Saint Teodoro of Heraclea

General of the army in time of Emperor Licinio, martyred in 319. In the early days of Christianity, becoming a member of the army was not necessarily a good thing. Be a general was still less positive. However, the only thing we know for sure about Saint Teodoro de Heraclea is that he was a general of the Greek army. When was beheaded by Emperor Licinio because of their faith. Probably many people are surprised to know that an army officer could also be a Christian of deep convictions. The testimony of Saint Teodoro shows that no worthy occupation is a barrier to holiness. A decoy, is clear, and the