Saints of the day january 1

Emmanuel, name of the Messiah

Celebrate today: Chus, Ema, Emanuel, Emanuela, Emanuele, Emma, Emmanuel, Jesús, Mane, Manel, Manoli, Manolo, Manu, Manuel, Manuela.

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Saint Mary, Mother of God, Virgin

Celebrate today: Maternidad.

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Saint Justino obispo (s. IV)

In Campania and in Abruzzo, Italy, commemoration of Saint Justin, who was Bishop distinguished by their zeal and defense of the Christians (s. IV).

Blessed Hugolinus hermit (s. XIV)
Saint Guillermo abad of Saint Beningno of Dijon (s. XI)

In the monastery of Fécamp, in Normandy (today France), death of St. William, Abbot of Saint Benigno of Dijon, who at the end of his life led many monks, distributed in forty monasteries with firmness and prudence.

Blessed Jean Lego (s. XVIII)
Blessed Valentin Paquay (s. XX)
Blessed Zygmunt Gorazdowski (s. XX)
Saint José María Tomasi (s. XVIII)

In Rome, saint José María Tomasi, priest of the order of clerics regular Teatinos and Cardinal, who ardently desiring the establishment of divine worship, went hard to the research and publication of texts and ancient liturgical monuments, as well as to the catechesis of children.

Saint Fulgencio (s. VII)

Ruspe, city of Bizacena (now Tunisia), saint Fulgencio, Bishop, who after having been Bizacena Prosecutor, embraced the monastic life and made bishop, during the persecution by the Vandals suffered much because of the Arians and was exiled to Sardinia by King Trasamundo. Return to Ruspe, he devoted the rest of his life to nourish its faithful with words of grace and truth (c. 632).

Saint Frodoberto (s. VII)

In Troyes, city of Neustria (today France), saint Frodoberto, founder and first Abbot of the monastery of Celle (c. 667).

Saint Clarus (s. VII)
Saint Vicente María Strambi (s. XIX)

In Rome, saint Vicente María Strambi, Bishop of Macerata and Tolentino, of the Congregation of the passion, who ruled the diocese which had entrusted Holy and by their fidelity to the Roman pontiff was banished.

Blessed Marian Konopinski (s. XX)
Saint Zdislava (s. XIII)

In Gablonne, Bohemia (today Czech Republic), saint Zdislava, mother, who lent comfort to the afflicted.

Saint Odilón of Cluny (s. XI)

In Souvigny, of Burgundy (today France), death of St. Odilón, Abbot of Cluny, who was severe with itself, but sweet and gracious with each other. It established truces between those who fought each other, and in time of famine, helped those in need with all his strength. Was the first to establish in their monasteries the commemoration of all the faithful departed, setting it for the next day to the solemnity of all saints.

Saint Eugendo (s. VI)
Saint Almachius (s. IV)