Saints of the day december 10

Our Lady of Loreto

Celebrate today: Loreto.

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Saint Juan Roberts (s. XVII)

At Tyburn, saint Juan Roberts, of the order of St. Benedict, and blessed Tomás Somers, priests and martyrs, who, in time of King Jaime I because of his priesthood, having embraced sixteen robbers, were hung in the same scaffold.

Blessed Marco Antonio Durando (s. XIX)
Blessed Sidney Hodgson (s. XVI)
Blessed John Mason (s. XVI)
Blessed Brian Lacy (s. XVI)
Saint Eustacio White (s. XVI)

In London, saints Poliodoro Plasden and Eustacio White, priests, and also the blessed Brian Lacy, Juan Mason and Sidney Hogdson, all of them martyrs, who in the same year suffered identical torment in Tyburn, the first because, being priests, had come into England, and the others for having helped.

Saint Poliodoro Plasden (s. XVI)

In London, saints Poliodoro Plasden and Eustacio White, priests, and also the blessed Brian Lacy, Juan Mason and Sidney Hogdson, all of them martyrs, who in the same year suffered identical torment in Tyburn, the first because, being priests, had come into England, and the others for having helped.

Saint Suintino Wells (s. XVI)

In London, in England, holy martyrs Edmundo Gennings, presbyter, and Suintino Wells, who, in time of cruel persecution during the reign of Isabel I, were sentenced to the death penalty, the first as priest, and the second for having hosted, choking them hung on the door of his house and martyring them until death.

Saint Edmund Gennings (s. XVI)
Blessed Agustin Garcia Calvo (s. XX)
Blessed Antonio Martin Hernandez (s. XX)
Saint Eugrafo
Saint Julia
Blessed Gonzalo Viñes Masip (s. XX)
Saint Gemelo (s. IV)

At Ancira, Galatia, saint twin, martyr (s. c. IV).

Saint Mauro (s. IV)

In Rome, in the cemetery of Trasona, of the via Salaria new, saint Mauro, martyr, to whom Pope St. Damasus celebrated as an innocent child, he torments did not aparatar of faith (s. c. IV).

Saint Lucas obispo (s. XII)

In the monastery of Saint Nicolás de Viotorito, in Calabria, saint Lucas, Bishop of island (Isola Capo Rizzuto), who worked with insistence in favor of the poor and the formation of the monks

Saint Gregorio III papa (s. VIII)

In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint Gregorio III, Pope, who procured the preaching of the Gospel to the Germans and, against the iconoclasts of the city, decorated churches with sacred images.

Saint Eulalia of Mérida (s. IV)

In Merida, of Lusitania (now Spain), saint Eulalia, Virgin and martyr, who, reportedly, being still young did not hesitate to offer his life by confessing Christ.

Saint Gutmaro