There are memories of special holy days, and today (and tomorrow) are these days. In this case it is Pope Leo, born in Tuscany (Italy), became Pope in the year 440. He is remembered in history texts for moral and political prestige that demonstrated against the threat of the Huns of Attila (which he managed to stop over the Mincio bridge) and the Vandals (whose ferocity he mitigated in the looting of Rome of the 455). We have obtained 96 sermons and 173 letters from him. Leo was the first Pope who received the epithet of "the great" afterwords, not only for the literary qualities and the firmness with which maintained in life to the decadent Empire of the West, but by the doctrinal solidity he shows in his letters. He died on such day in the year 461.
View moreIn Canterbury, England, saint Justo, Bishop, sent to this island by Pope Saint Gregorio I Magno together with other monks, to aid Augustine in the evangelization of England, accepting more later bishops of this see.
In Tiana, of Cappadocia, St. Orestes, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Ravenna, from the province of Flaminia, saint Probo, Bishop, in whose name the Bishop St. Maximiano dedicated the famous basilica Clasense (s. III / IV).