In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Nemesio, martyr, who, falsely accused of thief, was put on trial and acquitted by the judge, but then in the persecution under the Emperor Decio, was charged before Judge Emiliano profess the Christian religion, being, therefore, tormented with repeated torture and burned with thieves in the likeness of el Salvador, who endured the cross among them.
In Constantinople, saint Pulqueria, Defender and promoter of the Orthodox faith.
In Albi, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Salvio, Bishop, who, coming from the cloistered life, was promoted to the headquarters in spite, and declaring a strong epidemic, how good Shepherd did not want to leave their city.
Close to Spira in the Rhineland, of Austrasia, in Germania, passion of St. Teodardo, Bishop of Tongeren and martyr, who was killed going to visit King Childerico.