Saints of the day august 11

Saint Clare of Assisi (s. XIII)

Celebrate today: Clara, Clarena, Clarita.

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Saint Gaugerico of Cambrai (s. VII)

At Cambrai, in Austrasia, St. Gaugerico, Bishop, famous for his piety and charity to the poor. He was ordained Deacon by Magnerico of Trier, and elected to the bishopric of Cambrai, exerted the episcopate for thirty-nine years (c. 625).

Saint Equitius of Valeria (s. VI)
Saint Alexander the Charcoal Burner (s. III)
Saint Atracta (s. V)

In Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Atracta, Abbess, who, according to tradition, received the veil from the hands of St. Patrick Virgin (s. V).

Saint Cassian of Benevento (s. IV)
Blessed Maurice Tornay (s. XX)
Blessed Jean Georges Rhem (s. XVIII)
Blessed Miguel Domingo Cendra (s. XX)
Saint Rufino of Asís (s. IV)

In Assisi, Umbria, saint Rufino, who is considered first bishop of that city and martyr (s. c. IV).

Saint Rustícola of Arlés (s. VII)

In Arles, in Provence, in Gaul, saint Rusticola, Abbess, who ruled their nuns Holy for almost sixty years.

Saint Susana of Roma

At Rome, commemoration of saint Susainta, under whose name, held among the martyrs in the ancient Annals, in the 6th century was dedicated to God the basilica of the title of Gaio, next to the thermal baths of Diocletian (s. inc.).

Saint Taurino of Évreux (s. V)

In the town of Evreux, in Gaul, saint taurine, who is celebrated as first bishop of this city (c. s. V).

Saint Tiburcio of Roma (s. III)

In Rome, in the cemetery called "Ad duas lauros», on the via Labicana, three milestones of the city, saint Tiburcio, martyr, whose praises saintg the Pope saint Damaso (s. III/IV).

Blessed Rafael Alonso Gutiérrez (s. XX)
Saint Filomena

Young martyr whose life is known, except the inscriptions in his tomb and the remains that were found.