Franciscan monk, disciple of St. Francis.
In Bizacena, St. Mayulo, martyr in Adrumeto, who was sentenced to be devoured by the wild beasts (s. II/III).
In Cagliari, in Sardinia, saint Ignacio de Láconi, religious of the order of Capuchin lesser brothers, who squares and taverns in the harbour called tirelessly for alms to assist the misery of the poor. God enriched him with special supernatural gifts that attracted him the appreciation of all social classes. Pius XII canonized him in 1951.
In Naples, Campania, saint Francisco de Jerónimo, priest of the society of Jesus, who was devoted to preaching popular missions and pastoral service of the marginalized.
Saint lit (SANT'ILLUMINATO), Benedictine monk, from the second half of the 13th century.
In Varennes, in the region of Langres in Gaul, saint Gangulfo (s. VIII).
In the monastery of Esterp, near Limoges, in Gaul, St. Walter, priest and superior of the canons, who, after having exercised since his childhood in the service of God, shone by their meekness for with his brothers and his charity towards the poor.
In Vienne, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, St. Mamerto, Bishop, who, on the occasion of an imminent misfortune, instituted a solemn litanies to the preparatory Triduum of the feast of the Ascension of the Lord (c. 475) in this city.
In Byzantium, saint Mocio, priest and martyr (s. inc.).
In Saigon, in the Conchinchina (Viet Nam today), saint Mateo Lê Van Gâm, martyr, who was arrested by introducing with his small boat to European missionaries and, at the end of a year in jail, was beheaded by order of the Emperor Thiêu Tri.