Saints of the day november 11

Saint Martín of Tours (s. IV)

He was born at Sabaria, in Pannonia (Hungary) towards the year 316. It is quite known the narration of the episode of Saint Martín who, wrapped in his wide cloak of imperial guard, riding found a poor man who shivered with cold, with generous gesture he cut his mantle and gave half to the poor. At night, in a dream, he saw Jesus wrapped in half of his cloak, smiling at him grateful. At age 18 he receives baptism and, after a period of hermit, founded the monastery of Ligugé and Marmoutier. Subsequently he was elected Bishop of Tours, where he revolutionized the diocese during his 27 years of episcopal life with his love for the poor and needy. He is considered the first saint with a liturgical celebration not being a martyr.

Celebrate today: Martí, Martín.

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Saint Christian, monk and martyr

St. Christian was a monk who gave his life for Christ.

Saint Menas of Egipto (s. IV)

Next to the Lake of Mariotide in Egypt, St. Menas martyr.

Saint Teodoro el Estudita (s. IX)
Saint Verano of Vence (s. V)

In Vence, Provence, in Gaul, commemoration of St. summer, Bishop, being son of St. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyon, was educated at the monastery of Lérins and wrote to the Pope Saint Leo the great thanking him for his profession of faith in the incarnation of the word, contained in the letter to Flavian (s. V).

Saint Bartholomew the Younger of Rossano (s. XI)
Blessed Alice Kotowska (s. XX)
Saint Berthuin of Malonne (s. VII)
Saint Juan el Limosnero (s. VII)

In Amatunte, in the island of Cyprus, transit of Saint John the Almsgiver, Bishop of Alexandria, famous for his compassion to the poor and so overflowing charity towards all who did build many churches, hospitals, orphanages, to relieve all the needs of the city, to contribute to the heritage of the Church and continually urging the rich to the exercise of charity.

Saint Marina of Omura (s. XVII)

In Nagasaki, Japan, saint Marina de Omura, Virgin and martyr, imprisoned and taken to force a public home for derision of her chastity, was finally burnt alive.

Saint Menas el solitario (s. VI)

The province of Samnium, in Italy, memory of St. Menas, solitary, whose virtues the saint Gregorio Magno I Pope mentions (s. VI).

Saint Teodoro Estudita (s. IX)

In Constantinople, saint Teodoro Estudita, abad, who made a school of scholars, Saints and martyrs who died victims of persecutions by the iconoclasts of their monastery. Three times he was expelled into exile, it was endearing veneration by the traditions of the fathers of the Church and wrote famous treatises about the Catholic faith, exposing the Christian doctrine.

Saint Toribio of Cantabria (s. VI)

In the region of Cantabria, memory of St. Toribio, monk. A native of Palencia, tradition credited with the foundation of the monastery of saint Martín de Turieno (s. VI).

Blessed Vincent Eugenio Bossilkov (s. XX)