Saint Aleyois Virgin.
Close of okra, in Abruzzo, Saint Placido, Abbot, who lived as a hermit in a cave, and then gathered numerous disciples in the monastery of the Holy Spirit.
In Utrecht, Gelderland, in Lotharingia, saint Odulfo, priest, who evangelized the inhabitants of Friesland (c. 855).
In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint León III, Pope, who crowned Roman Emperor as King of the Franks, Charlemagne, and distinguished himself by his defence of the straight faith about the divine dignity of the son of God.
In Verona, in the territory of Venice, saint Gaspar Bertoni, priest, who founded the Congregation of the stigmata of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose members are missionaries to help the bishops.
In Salamanca, Spain, saint Juan de Sahagún González de Castrillo, priest of the order of the hermits of St. Augustine, who, with his Holiness of life and their constant colloquia, attained harmony among the existing factions among the citizens.
In Dresden, in Germany, blessed Gregory Frackowiak, religious of the society of the divine word and martyr, who, imprisoned during the war, after suffering for Christ was slain by enemies of the faith.
Saint Olimpio, Bishop, Thrace (European Turkey), s. IV.