Saints of the day march 12

Saint Maximilian of Tebessa (s. III)

Celebrate today: Max, Maxi, Maximiliano, Maxy.

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Saint Innocent I, pope (s. V)

Celebrate today: Inocencio.

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Blessed Angela Salawa (s. XX)
Blessed Fina of Saint Geminianus (s. XIII)
Saint Alphege of Winchester (s. X)
Saint Pablo Aureliano (s. VI)

In the city of León (today Saint-Paul-de-León), in the Armorica Brittany, saint Pablo Aureliano, first bishop of this city (s. VI).

Saint Teófanes Cronista (s. IX)

In Sigriana, in Bithynia, in the monastery of Campogrande, burial of saint Teófanes, surnamed "Chronograph", or Saint Theophanes chronicler who being very rich preferred to become a poor monk, and for defending the cult of sacred images was imprisoned by the Emperor León el Armenio for two years and then deported to Samothrace, where, exhausted from suffering, gave up his spirit.

Blessed Jerome Gherarducci (s. XIV)
Saint José Zhang Dapeng (s. XIX)

In the city of Guiyang in the Chinese province of Guangxi, saint José Zhang Dapeng, martyr, who received the light of faith, only baptized opened his home to missionaries and catechists, and helped poor, sick and children until, condemned to crucifixion, shed tears of joy at having been considered worthy to die for Christ.

Saint Luis Orione

The city of Saintremo, Liguria, in Italy, blessed Luis Orione, presbyter, who instituted the little work of Divine Providence.

Blessed Justina Francucci Bezzoli (s. XIV)