Saints of the day may 12

Saint Dominic de la Calzada (s. XII)
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Saint Pancras of Rome (s. IV)
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Saint Domitila of Roma

Noble Roman woman, granddaughter of the emprerador Vespasian and Titus and Domitian empreadores niece. Married to Tito Flavio Clemente, a Roman consul, nephew of Emperor Vespasiano and cousin of Titus and Domitian in turn. He converted to Christianity and widowed when her husband was martyred in the year 96 of our era. Banished to the island of Pandaratia in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Possibly martyred, although records are too schematic.

Blessed Joan of Portugal (s. XV)
Saint Cyril of Mesia and martyr companions (s. III)
Saint Epiphanius of Salamina (s. V)
Saint Felipe of Agira (s. V)

In Agira, Sicily, saint Felipe (known as Felipe Argirio), priest, who, a native of Thrace, settled in this city (s. V).

Saint Modoaldo of Tréveris (s. VII)

In Trier, in the Rhineland, in Austrasia, St. Modoaldo, Bishop, who founded and enriched several churches and monasteries, and was also different groupings of virgins, being buried alongside his sister Severa (c. 647).

Saint Germán of Constantinopla (s. VIII)

In Constantinople, Germán, Bishop (Patriarch) of Constantinople, who, distinguished by its doctrine and virtues, with great persuasion refuted the edict against images sacred promulgated by Emperor Leon Isauricus, so it had to go into exile.

Blessed Imelda Lambertini (s. XIV)
Saint Rictrudis of Marchiennes (s. VII)

In the monastery of Marchiennes, in the region of Cambray, in Austrasia, saint Rictrudis, Abbess of origin basco, who, after the violent death of her husband Adalbaldo, took the Holy veil religious Council of saint loving, ruling with great success to its nuns in that monastery (c. 688).

Saint Achilleus (s. I)
Saint Nereo (s. I)

Saints Nereo and Achilles, martyrs, who, according to concerns the Pope saint Damaso, were two young men who had enlisted in the army and swept away by fear, were willing to obey ungodly orders of the magistrate, but after being converted to the true God left the army, throwing their shields, weapons and uniforms, pleased of his triumph as confessors of Christ. Their bodies were buried on this day in the cemetery of Domitilla, located in via Roma Ardeatina (s. ex III.).

Blessed Álvaro del Portillo (s. XX)

Faithful Assistant and first successor of Josemaría at the head of Opus Dei. Priest of peace together with the Church and the Roman Pontiff; he knew how to serve with joy and generosity to saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer; his brothers (later, sons) in Opus Dei; his relatives; his friends and his colleagues. With his preaching, he helped to find happiness in fidelity to Jesus Christ to hundreds of thousands of people in different countries where he made pastoral trips.