In Anazarbe, of Cilicia, saint Domnina, martyr under Emperor Diocleciano and the prefect Licias, after having suffered many torments, delivered in prison his spirit to God (c. 304).
In Rome, saint Félix IV, Pope, who developed two pagan temples in the Roman Forum in the basilica dedicated to the Saints Cosme and Damian, and worked hard on behalf of the Catholic faith.
In Rome, on the via Laurentina, St. Hedisto, martyr (s. inc.).
In the province of Noricum, next to the Danube, saint Maximiliano, venerated as Bishop of Lorch (with s. c. VII).
In Piacenza, Emilia, saint Opilio, Deacon City (c. s. V).
In Pavia, Lombardy, St. Rotobaldo, Bishop, exemplary male for his withdrawal, who was distinguished by its interest in divine worship and relics of the Saints.
In Ascoli, city of the Piceno, Italy, Saint Seraphim of Mt. Granario (Felix) by Nicola, religious of the order of the brothers minor Capuchins, who was distinguished by his humility, poverty and piety.