Saints of the day june 13

Saint Anthony of Padua (s. XIII)

Saint Anthony of Padua, also venerated as Saint Anthony of Lisbon, Coimbra or Portugal, theologian, preacher, Portuguese monk, patron of Lisbon, Padua and other places.

Celebrate today: Antonio.

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Saint Fandila of Córdoba (s. IX)

Celebrate today: Fandila.

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Saint Aquilina virgen y mártir
Saint Aventinus martyr
Saint Trifilio (s. IV)

At Leucosia (Nicosia today), in the island of Cyprus, saint Trifilio, Bishop, who vigorously defended the faith of Nicaea and was an excellent orator in his time, commenting on the song of songs, as account Jerome splendidly.

Saint Felícula (s. I)

In the via Ardeatina, seven milestones of the city of Rome, saint Felícula, martyr.

Blessed Achilles of Alexandria (s. IV)
Saint Cetteus of Amiterno (s. VI)
Saint Eulogio of Alejandría (s. VII)

In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Eulogio, Bishop, renowned for his teaching, that the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I wrote several letters, saying of it: «not far from me which is joined to me» (c. 607).

Blessed Marianna Biernacka (s. XX)