Saints of the day june 14

Saint Elijah

Celebrate today: Elis, Elisa, Eliseo.

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Saint Anastasius of Cordoba (s. IX)


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Saint Felix of Córdoba (s. IX)
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Saint Digna of Cordoba (s. IX)
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Saint Proto of Aquileya

In Aquileia, in the region of Venice, saint Proto, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Valerio of Soissons (s. IV)

At Soissons, in the Belgium Galia, saint Valerio and saint Rufino, martyrs (s. IV).

Saint Rufino of Soissons (s. IV)

At Soissons, in the Gaul Belgium, saint Valerio and saint Rufino, martyrs (s. IV).

Saint Fortunato of Nápoles

In Naples, in Campania, saint Fortunato, Bishop (s. IV).

Saint Etherius of Vienne (s. VI)
Saint Metodio of Constantinopla (s. IX)

In Constantinople, Metodio, Bishop, who being monk traveled to Rome to meet with Pope Pascual I, to defend the veneration of images, and elected Bishop, he could solemnly celebrate the triumph of the Orthodox faith.