Saint Enedina (Henedina) of Sardinia, martyr to the 130 year next to Saint Justa of Sardinia and Saint Justina of Sardinia during the persecutions of Hadrian.
In the same city, St. Gallen, Bishop, paternal uncle of saint Gregorio de Tours, humble and kind man.
On the island of Chios in the Aegean Sea, Isidore, martyr, who, according to tradition, was thrown into a well (s. III).
In the island of Sardinia, commemoration of the saint Justa and saint Enedina, martyrs.
In Nizza Monferrato, Piedmont, Italy, saint Maria Domenica (or Dominga) Mazzarello, founder, together with saint Juan Bosco, of the Institute of the daughters of Mary help of Christians, dedicated to the instruction of poor girls. He stood out for his humility, prudence, and charity.
In Asia, province of Turkey, Saint Max, martyr during the persecution under the Emperor Decius and say that he died stoned to death (c. 250).
In the place of Betharram, near Pau, in the Pyrenees of France, saint Miguel Garicoïts, priest, who founded the Congregation of priests of the sacred heart of Jesus).
At Cimiez, in Provence, St. Pontius, martyr (c. s. III).