Born in Bordeaux (France) in the 8th century, in times in which the Moorish invasion of the peninsula beyond the Pyrenees and reached to Poitiers. Urbicius young and his mother are caught in one of these military raids. The mother dies in captivity while Urbicius is turned into a slave. They served their masters with honesty and humility, hoping for early freedom, asking for the intercession of the Holy children of Alcalá, the Saints Just and Pastor. Their freedom, when it comes, attributed to the intercession of these Saints who feels indebted to. Program and makes a Thanksgiving trip to Alcalá and there saw the dangers of desecration to which they are exposed
Celebrate today: Urbicio.
View moreSt. Christian (Cristina, Chris, Christian).
In Brescia, Lombardy, crucified saint Maria de Rosa, Virgin, who spent his wealth and she was delivered by the health of the souls and the bodies of others, and founded the Institute of the slaves of the charity.
In the region of Orleans, in the Lugdunensis Galia, saint Maximino, presbyter, considered as first Abbot of Micy (s. VI).