Saints of the day october 15

Saint Teresa of Ávila (s. XVI)

Also called Saint Teresa de Jesús, Virgin and doctor of the Church. Reformer of Carmel, mother of the Discalced Carmelites and the Barefoot Carmelites; "mater spiritualium" (title under her statue in the Vatican basilica); Patron Saint of Catholic writers and doctor of the Church (1970): the first woman, who along with Saint Catherine of Siena received this title.

Celebrate today: Maite, María Teresa, Tere, Teresa, Theresa.

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Saint Barses of Edesa (s. IV)
Blessed Gonzalo of Lagos (s. XV)
Saint Tecla of Kitzingen (s. VIII)

In Kitzingen, Germany, saint Tecla, Abbess, who, sent from England to help St. Boniface, chairing first the monastery in Ochsenfurt and then of Kitzingen (c. 790).

Saint Magdalena of Nagasaki (s. XVII)

In Nagasaki, Japan, saint Magdalena, Virgin and martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Yemitsu, was strong mood both keep the faith and endure the torment of the gallows for thirteen days.

Blessed Narciso Basté Basté (s. XX)
Saint Severo of Tréveris (s. V)

In Trier, in the Belgium Galia, saint Severo, Bishop, who, disciple of saint Lupo de Troyes, accompanied saint Germán de Auxerre to Britain to extirpate the heresy of Pelagius, and also preached the Gospel among the Germanic tribes (s. V).