In Besaintçon, in the Lugdunensis Gallia, St. Ferreol and saint Ferrucio, martyrs (s. IV)
In the region of Asia minor, commemoration of saint Quirico and saint Julita, martyrs.
In Besaintçon, Saint Ferreol, the Gallia Lugdunensis, martyrs and saint Ferrucio (s. IV)
In the region of Asia minor, commemoration of saint Quirico and saint Julita, martyrs.
In Amatonte, on the island of Cyprus, saint Ticón, Bishop, at the time of the Emperor Theodosius the younger (s. V).
In Nantes, also in the Lugdunensis Gaul, St. Similiano, Bishop, whom saint Gregorio de Tours considered as a great confessor (s. IV).
In the monastery of Cistercian nuns of Aywieres, in Brabant, saint Lutgarda, Virgin, distinguished by its devotion to the sacred heart of the Lord.