In the region of Retz, near Nantes, in lower Brittany, saint Vidal, hermit (s. VIII).
In Brioude, in the region of the arvernios, in Aquitaine, saint Bonita, Virgin (s. IX/XI).
Fence Arbona, in Germania, St. Gallen, presbyter and Monk, an adolescent, was received by saint Columbano in the monastery of Bangor, in Hibernia, to engage then propagate the Gospel in these regions, the brothers teaching the monastic discipline. He rested in the Lord already almost centenary.
In the region of Mirepoix, near the Pyrenees, in Gaul, saint Gauderico, farmer, famous for his devotion to the mother of God (c. 900).
In Jerusalem, commemoration of Saint Longinos, venerated as the soldier who opened the side of the crucified Lord with Lance (century I).
In the monastery of Hersfeld, in the Franconia, Germania, saint Lulo, Bishop of Mainz, who being companion and collaborator of St. Boniface mission to evangelize, was ordained bishop by him, so that he was master of the presbyters, doctor of the rule for monks, faithful preacher and pastor to the Christian people.
In Noyon, of Neustria, St. Mumolno, Bishop, who, being a monk, helped saint Audomaro in the task of evangelizing, even who was elected bishop to succeed saint Eligio (c. 680).