In Vintonia (now Winchester), in England, saint editing, Virgin, daughter of the King of anglos, who from an early age was devoted to God in a monastery, ignoring more than leaving the world (c. 984).
At Chalcedon in Bithynia (today Turkey), saint Eufemia, martyr; which, according to tradition, after suffering several torture under the Emperor Diocleciano and the proconsul Prisco, at the end of their combat reached the Crown of glory (c. 303).
In Prague, in the territory of Bohemia, St. Ludmila, martyr, Duchess of Bohemia, who as responsible for the education of his grandson St. Wenceslas, sought to instill the love of Christ, died strangled by the conjuring of his daughter-in-law Drahomíra and other noble pagan in your mood.
In Candida Casa (today Whitehorn), in the region of Galloway, in Scotland, commemoration of St. Niniano, Bishop, breton by birth, who led to the Picts to the truth of the faith, founded there an episcopal see (c. 432).
In the monastery of Saint María de Huerta, in the Spanish region of Castile, transit of saint Martin, called the priest, who, being Cistercian Abbot, was ordained bishop of Sigüenza and strove to reform the clergy, retired, finally, to his own monastery.
In Nocera of the pagans, in Campania (today Italy), saint Prisco, Bishop and martyr, to whom saint Paulino de Nola dedicated indicated poetics (c. s. IV).
In Savigny, in Normandy, in Gaul, St. Vital, Abbot, who left the secular occupations, surrendered in solitude to the cultivation of rigorous enforcement, gaining many followers to the monastery he founded.