Twelfth successor of St. Peter, defended the Church of the heresy.
Celebrate today: Aniceto.
View moreIn Burgundy, saint Pantagato or Panatagato in Vienne, Bishop.
Also commemoration of martyrs who, after the death of saint Simeon, the region didn't, and also under King Sapor II, were beheaded due to the name of Christ, among them saint Ustazades, eunuch of the Royal Palace, who was the godfather of the King himself and that, in the first burst of the persecution, suffered martyrdom in the Palace of Artaxerxesbrother of King Shapur, in the province of Adiabena.
In Tortona, of Liguria, saint Inocencio, Bishop (s. IV).
In the monastery of Chaise-Dieu in Auvergne, France, Saint Robert, Abbot, who, having been removed to this place to live as solitary, many brothers, joined him and with his preaching and example of life he met a good number of them.
In the monastery of Molesme, France, Saint Robert, Abbot, who, desirous of a monastic life more simple and strict, and founder of monasteries and upper endeavored, now director of hermits and eminent Restorer of monastic discipline, founded the monastery of Cistercian, who governed as the first Abbot, and called again as Abbot to Molesmes, there rested in peace.