Cesarea de Capadocia, St. Mamas, Mamante or HP, martyr, who, being very lowly shepherd, lived alone in the woods with maximum frugality and proclaiming his faith in Christ, accomplished martyrdom during the rule of Aurelian (273/274).
In Montefalcone, from Umbria, saint Clara de la Cruz, our Lady of the order of the hermits of St. Augustine, who was in charge of the monastery of the Holy Cross with a burning love for the passion of Christ.
In Friesland, saint Ierón, priest and martyr, who refers that he received the death at the hands of the Normans pagans.
In Saumur, near Angers, France, saint Juana Delanoue, unspoilt, that supported fully by the help of Divine Providence, hosted first at home to orphans, elderly and ill women and bad life. Subsequently, put their partners the foundation of the Institute of sisters of Saint Ana of Divine Providence.
Cyzicus, in the Hellespont, St. Miron, priest and martyr, who, according to tradition, during the reign of Decius and under the prefect Antipater, was beheaded after suffering many torments (s. III).