Saints of the day july 17

Saint Alexius of Rome, beggar

Celebrate today: Alejo.

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Saint Ennodius (s. VI)
Saint Marcelina of Milán (s. IV)

In Milan, city of Liguria, saint Marcelina, Virgin, sister of the Bishop Ambrose, to which Pope Liberius imposed veil of consecrated in the Roman basilica of Saint Peter, on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord (s. ex IV.).

Saint Colman of Ireland (s. XI)
Saint Eduvigis of Polonia (s. XIV)

Krakow, Poland city, saint Eduvigis, Queen, born in Hungary, he inherited the Kingdom of Poland, and married Jaguelon, Great Lord of Lithuania, who received in baptism the name of Ladislaus, who introduced the Catholic faith in the territory of Lithuania.

Saint Fredegando (s. VIII)

In Deurne, near Antwerp, Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Fredegando, monk, apparently coming from Ireland, who collaborated with saint Foilán and other itinerant missionaries (s. VIII).

Saint Jacinto of Amastris (s. III)

Seymen, Paphlagonia, saint Jacinto, martyr (c. s. III).

Saint Kenelmo (s. IX)

In the monastery of Winchelcumbe, Mercie, in England, saint Kenelmo, Prince of this region, martyr (c. 812) tradition.

Saint León IV papa (s. IX)

In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint León IV, Pope, protector of the city and advocate of the primacy of Peter.

Blessed Paul Gojdich (s. XX)
Saint Pedro Liu Ziyu (s. XX)

In Zhujiaxiezhuang, village near Shenxian, in the Chinese province of Hebei, saint Pedro Liu Ziyu, martyr, who, during the persecution unleashed by the movement of the Yihetuan, ignoring friends who advised her to Apostatize, remained steadfast in the Christian faith to the mandarin, so it was pierced with sword.

Saint Teodosio of Auxerre (s. VI)

In Auxerre, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, St. Theodosius, Bishop (s. VI).

Blessed Teresa of Saint Augustine Lindoine and companions (s. XVIII)