Saints of the day april 18

Saint Perfectus (s. IX)

Celebrate today: Perfecto.

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Saint Ursmaro (s. VIII)

In the monastery of Lobbes in Hainaut, Saint Ursmaro, Bishop and Abbot, who spread the rule of St Benedict and attracted people to the Christian faith.

Saint Elpidius
Saint Hermógenes

In Melitene in Armenia, Hermogenes and Elpidio, martyrs Saints.

Saint Molasio (s. VII)

In Leighlin, Ireland, saint Molasio or Laisren, abad, who extended the celebration of Easter, according to the Roman custom peacefully on the island.

Blessed Roman Archutowski
Blessed Mary of the Incarnation Avrillot (s. XVII)
Saint Pusicio (s. IV)

In Persia, St. Pusicio, martyr, prefect of the artisaints of King Sapor II, who have comforted the wavering priest Ananias was wounded in the neck and died on Holy Saturday, occupying so a distinguished place in the Group of martyrs sacrificed after saint Simeon.

Blessed Joseph Moreau (s. XVIII)
Saint Juan Isauro (s. IX)

Saint Juan Isauro, monk, disciple of saint Gregorio Decapolita, who at the time of the Emperor the Armenian Lion fought hard to defend the Holy images (after 842).

Blessed Idesbald of Dune (s. XII)
Saint Galdino (s. XII)

In Milan, Lombardy, saint Galdino, Bishop, who worked in the restoration of the city destroyed by the war and gave his soul to God after a sermon against the heretics.

Saint Eusebio of Fano (s. VI)

Fano, of the Piceno, in Italy, Eusebius, Bishop, who accompanied Pope saint Juan I in the journey to Constantinople imposed by King Theodoric, and the return followed also in prison.

Saint Atanasia (s. IX)

In the island Aegina, Holy Isaias, widow, who lived as a solitary and was also hegumena, distinguished by their virtues and monastic observance.

Saint Antusa (s. VIII)

In Constantinople, saint Antusa, Virgin, who, being daughter of the Emperor Constantino Coprónimo, was dedicated to helping the poor, to redeem slaves, to repair churches and to build monasteries, receiving the monastic habit from the hands of Bishop saint Tarasio.

Blessed Andrea of Montereale (s. XV)
Blessed Andres Hibernon (s. XVII)
Blessed Sabina Petrilli (s. XX)