Celebrate today: Fede, Federico, Freddy, Frederic, Frederick.
View moreSaint Gundena, Virgin and martyr, Carthage, 362
In Constantinople, saint Teodosia, nun, who suffered martyrdom for objecting to that is throw, as ordered by the Emperor León Isáurico, an image of Christ from the top of the so-called bronze door (s. VIII).
In the town of Forlimpopoli, Emilia, saint Rufilo, Bishop, who seems to have been the first to this church, ruled from which won for Christ to the people of the surrounding area (s. V).
In Brescia, in the region of Venice, saint Filastrio, Bishop, whose life and death praised his successor saint Gaudencio (c. 397).
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint Domingo Nicolás Dinh Dat, martyr, who, being a soldier, forced you to renounce the Christian faith, getting, after cruel torments, he pisase a cross, but he immediately repented and returned what was received by Apostatize, wrote to the Emperor Minh Mang asking that they juzgasen again as a Christian that it was, because of which died strangled.
In Milan, city of the Liguria, saint Materno, Bishop, that achieved the peace of the Church, moved with great solemnity from Lodi to this city the bodies of the martyrs Nabor and Felix (s. IV).