Saints of the day november 18

Saint Odo of Cluny (s. X)

Celebrate today: Odón.

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Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul

Dedication of the basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles. The first of these was built by the Emperor Constantine over the grave of St. Peter in the Vatican Hill, and due to its deterioration over the years it was rebuilt with more width and again consecrated on this same day of its anniversary. The other, built by the emperors Theodosius and Valentinian in via Ostiense, after getting annihilated by an unfortunate fire was rebuilt in its entirety and dedicated on December 10. Their joint commemoration is meant to signify, somehow, the brotherhood of the Apostles and unity in Church (1626; 1854).

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Saint Bárula mártir
Saint Rosa Felipa Duchesne (s. XIX)
Blessed Caroline Kozka (s. XX)
Saint Filipina Duchesne (s. XIX)

In the city of Saint Carlos, in the State of Missouri, in the United States of America, saint Philippine Duchesne, Virgin, of the Sisters of the sacred heart, who, born in France, during the French revolution brought the religious community, and moving to America, there opened many schools.

Blessed Grimoaldo of the Purification (s. XX)
Saint Maudeto abad (s. VI)

In lower Brittany, Saint Maudeto, Abbot, monastic life on a desert island, and as a teacher of spiritual life, who brought together many saints among the number of disciples (s. VI).

Saint Patroclo of Colombiers (s. VI)

In Colombiers, in the region of Bourges, in Aquitaine, saint Patroclo, priest, who was a hermit and missionary (c. 576).

Saint Romacario of Constanza (s. VI)

In Constance, of Neustria, St. Romacario, Bishop (s. VI).

Saint Román of Antioquía (s. IV)

In Antioch of Syria, St. Román, martyr, Deacon in the Church of Caesarea, who when he saw, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano, that Christians obeyed his decrees and approached the statues of idols, called them in public to the resistance, by which, after a cruel torments and cut off his tongue, was strangled in prison, thus causing his glorious martyrdom.

Saint Teofredo of Calmeliac (s. VIII)

In the region of Calmeliac, in Aquitaine, saint Teofredo, Abbot and martyr (c. 752).