In Gaza, in Palestine, St. Timothy, martyr, in the persecution carried out by the Emperor Diocleciano and the urban prefect, after suffering many torments, victoriously was burned to a simmer (c. 350).
In Rome, on the via Tiburtina, along with saint Lorenzo, burial of Saint Sixto III, Pope, who reestablished the Concord between the Patriarchate of Antioch and Alexandria, and the basilica of Saint Maria in monte Esquilino erected for God's people in the eternal city.
In the place called «Fabrateria Vetus», near Ceccano, Lazio, saint Magno, martyr (s. inc.).
In the region of Tarragona, in Hispania, saint Magín (Magi), martyr.
In Brignoles, Provence, France, death of saint Luis, Bishop. Nephew of the King St. Louis, preferred poverty Gospel to praise and honors of the world, and young in years but mature in virtue, was elevated to the see of Toulouse. Due to his delicate health, he piously rested in the Lord.
In Monteagudo, Navarre, in Spain, transit of St. Ezequiel Moreno Díaz, Bishop of Pasto in Colombia, of the order of the Recoletos de Saint Agustin, who worked and, by proclaiming the Gospel, gave his life both in the Philippines and in South America.
In Nuremberg, in Franconia, Germany, saint Sebaldo, hermit (s. IX/X).