Lujiazhuang, village near Yingxian, in china of Hebei province, saint Juan Bautista Zhou Wurui, martyr, who, still, young confessed frankly to the followers of the movement of the Yihetuan who was Christian, so after amputate several members, you finished off with AX blows.
In Rome, in the basilica of St. Peter, St. Symmachus, Pope, schismatics who soured life and died like a true confessor of the faith.
In the monastery of Annesis, near the River Iris, in Pontus, saint Macrina, Virgin, sister of the Saints Basilio Magno, Gregorio de Nisa and Pedro de Sebaste, great connoisseur of the Sacred Scriptures, who embraced the solitary life and was a wonderful example of love of God and of remoteness from the vanities of the world.
In Chester, England, saint Juan Plessington, priest and martyr, who having been ordained priest in Segovia, returning to England was sentenced for this reason to the gallows, being King Jacobo II.