Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
In Tours, Neustria, saint Monegunda, consecrated to God, who, leaving homeland and relatives, surrendered only to prayer (p. 557).
Sezze, in Lazio, saint Lídano, Abbot, founder of the monastery of this place, with its monks filled the surrounding lands, liberating that way its inhabitants from malarial fever.
Winchester, England, St Swithun, Bishop, famous for his austerity and for his love of the poor. He built many churches, visiting always walking.
Commemoration of the holy martyrs Liberato, Abbot, Bonifacio, Deacon, Servo and rustic, subdeacons, Rogato and Septimius, monks, and children Max, who in Cartago, during the persecution unleashed by the Vandals under the Arian King Hunnerico, by confessing the true Catholic faith and one baptism, were subjected to cruel torments, nailed to the timbers that were going to be burned and beaten with paddles until their heads were brokensucceeding them brightly, so it deserved to be crowned by the Lord.
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
In Rome, in the cemetery of Damasus, in the second milestone of the via Aurelia, saints process and Martiniano, martyrs (sec. inc.).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Damasus, in the second milestone of the via Aurelia Holy process Martiniano, and martyrs (sec. inc.).