In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint Eugenio I, Pope, who happened to saint Martin, martyr.
In Acqui, Piedmont, saint Guido, Bishop.
In the town of Au Thi, in Tonquin, saint Domingo Ninh, martyr, young farmer who, for not wanting to trample the cross, was slain in the time of Emperor Tu Duc.
In the village of Ortega, in the region of Burgos, memory of saint Juan, priest, who, after having visited the Holy places in Jerusalem, dedicated his life to serve the pilgrims who travelled to Sainttiago de Compostela.
In Bosphorus, the Propontide, death of St. Nicéforo, Bishop of Constantinople, who, staunch advocate of the traditions of their fathers, opposed decisively the iconoclastic Emperor León the Armenian, defending the cult of sacred images. Expelled from its headquarters and locked up in a monastery long, he gave his soul to God.
In Trani, in Apulia, saint Nicolas, Peregrine, who, native of Greece, toured the region carrying a crucifix in his hand and repeating incensainttemente: «Lord, have mercy».
In Lyon, Gaul, Holy Martyr Pothinus, Bishop, and Blandina, along with forty-six companions, who the letter of the Church of Lyon to the churches of Asia and Phrygia has detail their courageous and repeated event, at the time of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Bishop Potino, already nonagenarian, shortly after being imprisoned died, some others also died in prison, while the remaining were exposed as spectacle in the Amphitheater, before thousaintds of people, where those who were Roman citizens were beheaded and the others given to the wild beasts, and finally Blandina, reserved for a more cruel and prolonged combatAfter encouraging