At Antioch, in Syria, St. Filogônio, Bishop, who, by God's will, being lawyer was called to govern this church, and together with Bishop saint Alejandro and companions was the first to fight against Arius by the Catholic faith, resting in the Lord full of merits. Saint Juan Crisóstomo welcomes him with great praise.
In the Jura Mountain, on the banks of the Doubs, among the Helvetii, saint Ursicino, disciple of saint Columbano, who first carried life hermit in solitude and, after being discovered, induced many to embrace this kind of life (c. 620).
Also in Rome, on the via Salaria Antigua, in the cemetery next to the seven doves, saint Liberal (released or Liberato), martyr, who, reportedly, held the Office of consul (s. inc.).