Saints of the day january 20

Saint Sebastian (s. III)

Soldier of the Roman Empire who was martyred in Rome by his preference for the militia of Christ than of the emperor. He was sentenced to be riddled with arrows, but he survived. Returning to bear witness to his faith, he was beaten to death.

Celebrate today: Bastián, Seba, Sebastià, Sebastián.

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Saint Fabián papa (s. III)

St. Fabian, Pope and martyr, who, being simple layman, was called to the pontificate by divine indication and, after giving example of faith and virtue, suffered martyrdom in the persecution under the Emperor Decio. Saint Cipriano, to the praise of his bout, says he left the testimony of having governed the Church of irreproachable and illustrious way. His body was buried on this day in the cemetery of Callixtus, via Apia in Rome.

Celebrate today: Fabián.

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Saint Ascla of Antinoe (s. IV)
Blessed Benedict Ricasoli (s. XII)
Blessed Cyprian Iwene Tansi (s. XX)
Saint Henry bishop and martyr (s. XII)
Saint Stephen Min Kuk-ka (s. XIX)
Saint Eustoquia Calafato (s. XV)

Saint Eustoquia, born in Messina (Sicily), received his mother's Christian formation and a deep devotion to the Franciscan renewal movement led by Saint Bernardino de Siena. His father wanted to marry her, but Providence led her through other paths and overcome many difficulties, at age 15 joined the Poor Clares which soon stood out for his virtues. Desirous of one life more adjusted to the rule of St. Clare, founded the monastery of Montevergine, where he soon flourished the genuine spirit of Saint Francisco and Saint Clara, and that multiplied vocations, that she, being Abbess, directed and formed with his word and example.

Saint Eutimio Abad (s. V)

In Palestine, Saint Eutimio, Abbot, born in Armenia and consecrated to God from childhood, went to Jerusalem and, after many years spent in solitude, at the end of his life, faithful and brave in humility and charity, died leaving an example of observance and discipline.

Saint Neófito of Nicea (s. IV)

In Nicaea, town of Bithynia (today Turkey), Saint neophyte, martyr (s. IV).

Blessed Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception (s. XX)
Saint Wulfstano of Worchester (s. XI)

In the city of Worchester, England, St. Wulfstano, Bishop, who, from the cloister to the headquarters, maintained monastic customs together with the pastoral zeal. It tirelessly visited the parishes of his diocese, in erect churches, encourage studies and condemn the sale of slaves.