Saints of the day december 21

Saint Peter Canisio (s. XVI)
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Saint Glicerio
Blessed Domenico Spadafora (s. XVI)
Blessed Peter Friedhofen
Saint Temístocles (s. III)

In Lycia, St. Temístocles, martyr, who, according to legend, the Emperor Decio time volunteered instead of saint Dióscoro, that was sought to be executed and tortured on the rack, dragged and beaten, reached the Crown of martyrdom (s. III).

Saint Miqueas profeta

Commemoration of Saint MICAH, Prophet, who, in the days of Joatán, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah, fought back with his preaching to the oppressed, condemned the idols and the perversities, and announced to the chosen people who, since the eternal days, a leader born in Belén de Judea that it apacentaría to Israel with the strength of the Lord.

Saint Anastasius martyr
Saint Festo
Saint Severino obispo