Saints of the day december 22

Saint Francisca Javiera Cabrini (s. XX)
Blessed Thomas Holland (s. XVII)
Saint Isquirión (s. III)

Also the commemoration of St. Isquirión, martyr in Egypt, who, by refusing to sacrifice, between mockery and slander was crossed by the womb with a sharp stick, and thus handed over to death (c. 250).

Saint Hungero (s. IX)

In Utrecht, Gelderland, in the Lotharingia, St. Hungero, Bishop.

Saint Queremón y compañeros mártires (s. III)

Commemoration of Saints Chaeremon, Bishop of Nilopolis, and other martyrs in Egypt, some of whom, during the persecution under the Emperor Decio, were on the run and, erring by solitary places, part succumbed to predators, others consumed by hunger, cold and disease, and the rest, finally, exterminated by the barbarians and the robbers, and thus, all dying variously, were crowned with the glory of martyrdom.