Saints of the day june 22

Saint Thomas More (s. XVI)
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Saint Consorcia vírgen
Saint Paulino of Nola (s. V)

St. Paulinus, Bishop, who received the baptism in Bordeaux, resigned from the consular dignity and noble and rich, Christ became poor and humble. Having moved to Nola, at the tomb of saint Félix, priest, to follow his example, he embraced a form of ascetic life with his wife and fellow. Ordained bishop, he distinguished himself by his erudition and saintctity, welcoming the pilgrims and helping the destitute.

Saint Juan Fisher (s. XVI)

Saint Juan Fisher, Bishop and martyr, who, by not accepting the marriage of King Enrique VIII and remain faithful to the primacy of the Roman Pontiff, was imprisoned in the Tower of London. Bishop of Rochester, known for his erudition and the dignity of life, male was slain this day before prison, by order of the King.

Saint Albanus of Verulamio (s. III)
Saint Eusebio of Samosata (s. IV)

In Dolica, in Syria, St. Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata, who at the time of the Arian Emperor Constantius visited incognito, with military apparel, the churches of God, to confirm them in the Catholic faith. He was exiled to Thrace by Emperor Valente, but recovered the peace of the Church, he returned to tour communities, until an Arian woman threw a roof tile that struck him in the head, achieving martyrdom.

Saint Flavio Clemente (s. I)

At Rome, commemoration of Saint Flavio Clemente, martyr, to whom the Emperor Domiciano, who had exercised the Consulate, condemned for refusing to worship pagan gods, dying for their faith in Christ.

Blessed Innocent V pope (s. XIII)
Saint Nicetas of Remesiana (s. V)

Commemoration of St. Nicetas, Bishop of Remesiana, Dacia, who saint Paulino de Nola praised in one of his poems have become sheep to the barbarians to teach them the Gospel, by persuading them to live together in peace and for uneducated people and thieves to learn to sing Christ with a Roman heart (c. 414).