In Turin, in the region of Piedmont, blessed Ignacio de Saintdone (Lorenzo Mauritius) Belvisotti, priest of the order of brothers minor Capuchins, regular in penitentes-attend and help sick.
In the monte Glonna, on the banks of the Loire, in the region of Poitiers, Gaul, saint Florencio, presbyter (c. s. VI).
In Levroux, the territory of Bourges, in Aquitaine, saint Silvano, hermit (c. s. V).
In Rome, on the via Salaria ancient, burial of saint Basila, martyred under Diocletian and Maximian.
Laon, of Neustria (today France), saint Salaberga, Abbess, who is said to saint Columbano cured him of his blindness and channeled it to the service of God (c. 664).
In Gaul, the territory of Coutances, saint Lautón or award, Bishop (post 549).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Commodila of the via Ostiense, commemoration of saint Emerita, martyr (s. inc.).