Saints of the day january 23

Saint Ildephonse (s. VII)

Celebrate today: Ildefonso.

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Saint Aquila (s. III)
Saint Mainbodo (s. VIII)

At Dampierre, near Besaintçon, Burgundy (today France), saint Mainbodo or Maimbodi, a native of Hibernia (Ireland today), who Pilgrim and hermit, was murdered by thieves (c. s. VIII).

Saint Emerenciana (s. IV)

In Rome, in the cemetery of the via Nomentana, saint Emerenciana, martyr (s. c. IV).

Saint Amasius bishop (s. IV)
Saint Andrew Chong Hwagyong (s. XIX)
Saint Clement bishop and martyr (s. IV)
Saint Agathangelo (s. IV)
Saint Severiano, mártir (s. III)