In Canterbury, England, St. Melito, Bishop, who, being Abbot, was sent to England, where he was ordained bishop of the East Saxons by St. Augustine, by the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I and, after suffering many tribulations, agreed to the see of Canterbury.
Illíberis (or Elvira, Granada today), in the Hispania Baetica, St. Gregory, Bishop, whose book about the faith was praised by Jerome (s. IV).
In Anjou, France, saint María of Saint Eufrasia (Rosa Virginia) Pelletier, Virgin, who founded the Institute of the Sisters of the good Shepherd, for Godly light life women, called cupcakes.
In Mortain, Normandy, saint Guillermo Firmato, hermit, who had previously been Canon and doctor in Tours, but after a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, withdrew to loneliness until his death.
In York, in Northumbria, saint Wilfrido, Bishop, who, after working with all care, was forced to leave his seat and died between the monks of Ripon, who was Abbot at one time.
In Jerusalem, commemoration of the Holy Women Mary of Cleophas and Saint Salome, who, together with Magdalena María, early in the morning of Easter day came to the grave of the Lord to anoint his body and received the first announcement of the resurrection (century I).
In Jerusalem, commemoration of the Holy Women María de Cleofás and Salome, who, together with Magdalena María, early in the morning of Easter day came to the grave of the Lord to anoint his body and received the first announcement of the resurrection (century I).